Book Buzzr - Johnny Oops

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Your Two Cents Worth

This is the place to get your questions answered and put your two cents in. On this blog everyone is an expert and everyone has a right to his or her opinion. You have the right to ask or answer a question as long as it isn't immoral or pornographic or against the public interest.

So come on in. What's Your Question?

What's your answer?

Just post it in the comment section for everyone to see.

This is your new friend Art.

My claim to fame is that I am a non expert, expert. You can be too.

Please consider me the moderator for now. Please join me.


  1. How do you lower your blood pressure naturally?

    By eating grapes, but be careful they are high in sugar so don't eat too many at a time.

  2. Am I better off eating red or green grapes.

    Red grapes are better for you.

  3. A glass of wine a day is also a bloodbuilder. If you don't like wine, you can get the same benefits from a glass of grape juice a day.


Please leave your question or answer here